Birthday Bakery Hopping!

Birthday. Bakery. Hopping.

Have you ever heard of anything more wonderful?

No, I am not about to share a traditional family birthday celebration (although after this year it may just become one!) or a special dish. What I will share though is basically the recipe for a perfect birthday!

My birthday falls right in between Passover and Shavuot and this year after a big move and hosting my first Chaggim (holiday) meals, the birthday celebration budget was better put to use in the form of matzah and cream cheese for cheesecakes than balloons and streamers. That didn't stop M from mapping out the most creative and literally西南eeeetestday! Being new to a city and having only visited one bakery, I was desperately missing my baked good comforts from home (donuts and danishes especially). And so began the wonder that is BBH.

What exactly is Birthday Bakery Hopping? M mapped out 5 bakeries all over the city where we would drive to and I would be treated to one dessert, pastry or baked good of my choice. Going back to my love of donuts and danishes, the only rule was that if donuts were available those would be the first choice and if not then... well then everything was fair game! Surprisingly only 1 of the 5 bakeries actually had a donut! Which meant that my day looked like this:

Chocolate Hazelnut Mousse Tart (My absolute favorite of the entire day! By far the BEST dessert I have ever had. Ever. If you're ever in Montreal, go to Exceptions and order one, right away.)
Blackberry Tart
Fresh (warm!) Chocolate Danish
Chocolate Sprinkle Custard Filled Donuts
By the time we reached the last bakery we threw in latkes and egg rolls as well which had just come out of the oven. I never thought I'd so badly crave something savory, but with all the sugar running through me, well those latkes didn't stand a chance!

The day ended with M baking my birthday cake! I relinquished the use of my KitchenAid (on the condition that I could remain in the kitchen and observe the proceedings) as he made me my dream cake! One chocolate fudge layer, one strawberry layer, vanilla icing binding it all together and a wonderful array of sprinkles over top! The first time I saw this beautifulSweetapolitacake, I immediately loved it! M's adaptation was the perfect ending to the sweetest day!
Happy to have shared this bakery hopping experience with you. Do you have a favorite birthday dessert?

Here's looking forward to many more years of treats, sprinkles and sweetness!


  1. That is a wonderful way to spend a birthday! There is another blogger I know, and for his birthday he bought himself 12(!) cupcakes..all different flavors. But this beats that by a mile! Love the idea, and the cake looks yum!

  2. I am on a sugar high just reading about your day. I love sweets, but in small doses. Glad it was the perfect day for you and it should be a new tradition.

  3. Thank you so much! I love that cupcake idea as well - it would make a great idea for a hostess gift to a birthday party!


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