
The wonderful thing about baking, is that no matter how many times you make a recipe, more often than not, once you get into the kitchen and start mixing and stirring, inspiration hits and variations abound! Whether it's because you didn't have the ingredients you needed or you saw a new ingredient being used across your favorite blogs that you wanted to incorporate, there's plenty of potential for new wonderful things!

Recently I've been updating a few recipes, with either additional pictures or extra tips/variations and to ensure that you aren't missing out, I thought I'd organize them for you here!

To start off, I have updated theOnion Bunrecipe! It's the perfect go-to for summer barbecues and get-togethers! If you're not prepared to carefully carry a dozen iced cupcakes or be responsible for bringing ice cream on a super hot day to a picnic, this is a great alternative that's sure to earn you all the admiration you could hope for! It's fantastic with burgers, meatballs or deli sandwiches (and so much more!). The update includes the elimination of honey, a longer rising time as well as an improved method to ensure they come out looking golden and ready for presentation!

I have also updated theChocolate Cream Filled Cupcakesrecipe. I've added an additional recipe for the ganache filling! I tried it out this past week and it was incredible! I'm not sure if the leftovers have spent more time in the container in the fridge or being re-warmed and used again on all leftover cupcakes, cookies and whatever other desserts are hanging around! It's held up great and after 15 seconds in the microwave, it's ready to go!

Finally, I just found this site not too long ago,Cooks & Books & Recipes, and they have an absolutely awesome resource for all those of you who are as obsessed with cookbooks as I am! They have a cookbook giveaway link up, where they list blogs and their giveaways! I spent the better part of an hour reading through blogs I otherwise may not have come across and entering fantastic giveaways! (Special mention toTales of an Overtime Cook's"Fresh and Easy Kosher Cooking" review and giveaway! It's an incredible cookbook that I've made my way through in less than 2 months and her review helps to give you a great indication of what it's like!)

Here's the Cookbook Giveaway: June 2012 Linkup. Good luck!


Hope you're enjoying the weather and that this week is full of bearable temperatures, summertime fun & of course wonderful meals!


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